Guess the winning hand!
Punto or Banco ?
The objective is to predict which hand will win: Punto, Banco or will it be a tie ?
Cards have the following values :
0 points 1 point
2-9 card value
The maximum is 9 points. All hands over 10 will be deducted with 10.
counts as 4
According to the rules the croupier may draw a third card for Punto, Banco or for both.
Wins :
- Punto: 1 x your bet
- Banco: 95% of your bet (19 to 20)
- Egalité: 8 x your bet
- Punto wins (Punto 8, Banco 6)
- Banco wins (Punto 6, Banco 8)
- Egalité wins (Punto 7, Banco 7)
- Punto wins (Punto 7, Banco 4)
- Banco wins (Punto 4, Banco 5)
* When Egalité wins, the bets on Punto and Banco stay, you do not lose.
Points :
Maximum 9 points, everything over 9 is deducted with 10. The highest hand wins.
- Casino de Monte-Carlo - Salle Europe : 20 euros
Punto Banco is available at the Casino de Monte-Carlo

Exceptional Prizepool of €200 000
Punto Banco Tournament

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