
Be Safe, not sorry

Published on July 10, 2024Updated on July 10, 2024

Created in 2017, Be Safe Monaco is a Monegasque association that fights against the dangers of drinking and driving. The association raises awareness and provides information, particularly among young people, on the risks associated with drunk driving. Following the tragedies that have unfortunately occurred in the Principality, the Monte-Carlo Société des Bains de Mer Group has decided to support Be Safe Monaco, a collaboration that marks a new era of safety in the Principality of Monaco.

Find out more about this fruitful collaboration.

Be Safe Monaco

Be Safe's birth

This year again, drink driving has been rife in Monaco, demonstrating the need for associations such as Be Safe that was created in 2017 by Camille Gottlieb, daughter of Princess Stephanie of Monaco, and some of her friends Laura, Charlotte, Andrea and Margaux, following the death of someone dear to her. “The tragedy shocked us all and we needed to do something,”  Camille tells us. Since the accident that killed Alexis, Be Safe has been raising awareness at nightclubs and distributing breathalyser tests. We’ve also been trying to educate young people about the dangers of driving even after only one drink, mainly through testimonials from the victims and perpetrators of drink driving accidents…

The tragedy shocked us all and we needed to do something...

An excellent partnership in the Principality

One of the association’s flagship initiatives was introducing a free shuttle service for young people who are too drunk to drive. And to enable them to take it one step further, they’ve just entered a partnership with the Société des Bains de Merwhich will provide an additional two drivers for a second Be Safe shuttle from midnight to 5am, 
7 days a week, between 1st July and 31 August.

For its part, Be Safe Monaco has committed to providing the shuttle service to SBM customers and running a drink driving awareness campaign for seasonal workers. “The aim is to take care of those  who can’t drive home safely” said Stéphane Valeri, the group’s deputy-president. And one real benefit will be that the area covered, until now in and around Monaco, will be extended to Nice and Menton. Camille Gottlieb, currently in discussions with the government to obtain a state subsidy, hopes that this initiative “will be a wake-up call for other Monaco establishments.”

Be Safe Monaco

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