Vue Monaco

Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) criteria at Edmond de Rothschild bank Monaco

Updated on May 19, 2023

At Edmond de Rothschild bank, being an agent of change towards a more sustainable world means generating economic value that cannot be dissociated from social and environmental value. .

ESG is not just about Impact Investing. It has to be implemented on a daily basis. “We’re a bank with convictions; strong convictions that materialise through concrete sustainable actions reflecting our commitment to making sustainability central to all our activities. Our long-term vision must combine profitability and sustainability,” explains Gérard Ohresser. Edmond de Rothschild Monaco has therefore engaged with the local community by signing the National Energy Transition Pact charter. Simple and understandable, the charter brings together all the economic actors in the Principality and sets out the three main focuses of this transition: transport, waste and energy. 

Picture: Gerard Ohresser © Jean François Ottonello 

Gerard Ohresser
Monaco ville vue générique Monte-Carlo Society

Regarding the first point, the bank has organised a fleet of electric bicycles for its employees and is replacing its entire fleet of cars with electric models. It has also installed three rapid charging stations in the visitor car park for its customers. Other examples include the installation of double glazing and LED lighting, making the premises more energy efficient. Waste is obviously sorted, and the bank only uses recycled paper. “Sometimes we forget the “S” in ESG,” adds Gérard Ohresser. “Whereas it’s of prime importance to us: we’re working on more than twenty-three different projects to take care of our human resources. Our sustainable development strategy puts human progress first. We want our employees to find meaning in their work and be more comfortable in their daily lives.” For example, the bank is currently developing a range of training 
programmes; it is reviewing the way work time is structured; and has invested in height adjustable sit-stand desks for its employees. 

Monaco branch employees are educated on the issues surrounding climate change, a topic dear to the Sovereign. “If you understand the issues more clearly, you’re likely to think about them more and take action,” underscores Gérard Ohresser. “We offer talks and books on the subject, which are excellent tools: recently we gave all our staff an informative book entitled Le monde sans fin. As for the presence of women in the Group, what more can be said except that Edmond de Rothschild is the only financial institution in the world exclusively owned by seven powerful women."

Picture: Gérard Ohresser, Managing Director of Edmond de Rothschild Monaco: Le monde sans fin, written by Jean-Marc Jancovici and illustrated by Christophe Blain, explains the profound changes our planet is currently experiencing, and 
the consequences. The book was given to each member of staff of Edmond de Rothschild Monaco.

l'ESG au quotidien

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