Monte Carlo Socièté des Bains de Mer is proud to take part and to sponsor this new Monaco Pavilion initiative. We have always been active partners in the previous World Expo and international Expo projects, especially the Shanghai Expo, the Yeous Expo, the Milan Expo, the Astana Expo in the recent past.
The presence of Monaco as an exhibiting country in these world events as has proven a great opportunity to promote jointly the key strengths of the Principality in the areas of luxury tourism, hospitality, entertainment, gaming, real estate and shopping
Our presence in the "Opportunity" district of the Dubai World Expo in 2021-2022 provides once again a wonderful way of presenting our offering and of getting visitors to discover our legacy, our assets and enjoy immersive experiences, for instance at our Café de Paris Monte-Carlo outlet in the Monaco Pavilion.
Our presence is a tribute and an acknowledgement of the importance of the Emirates and the GCC contries among our most appreciated and respected partners and feeder markets. We will be leveraging our presence and the mainy events organised by the Monaco Pavillon team during these six months in order to provide Dubai World Expo visitors with a memorable experience.
See you sonn in Dubai !